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Infant Development Specialist and RIE Mentor™

As a Mentor-Associate of Resources for Infant Educarers® (RIE®) since 1993 I consult in childcare and conduct courses and trainings for parents, caregivers and other professionals. I also facilitate ongoing Parent-Infant Guidance Classes™ in Pasadena, California, based on Magda Gerber’s respectful Educaring™ Approach. These classes offer a unique opportunity for parents as well as their babies and toddlers to come together with other like-minded families to learn how to apply the Educaring Approach. As they gain confidence in themselves as parents and trust in their babies as competent and intelligent, if immature, persons, parents often say these weekly classes become the most enriching, enjoyable and peaceful 90 minutes of their week.

I also offer RIE Foundations: Theory & Observation™ courses in Los Angeles, Washington, DC and elsewhere every year, as well as other workshops and courses on the topic of infant and toddler development and education.

See the "classes & workshops" page for more information.